Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The World is a Sandbox

The idea of 3D printing isn't a new one. Hobbyists have been utilizing 3D printers for years to create replicas and models. It's a pretty simple idea- the user creates a virtual 3D model of the given item using a specialized software program, then sends this blueprint to the actual printer. The printer then physically creates the item by placing down the chosen material in layers, starting with the inside and working it's way out.

This raises the question- what else could we print? Couldn't we print bigger things, simply by making the printers larger? Couldn't we expand the types of materials that could be used? Couldn't we 3D print the Death Star? I mean... couldn't we?

All of this is certainly interesting, but is this method of production (if you can really call it that) actually worth paying any attention to?

Yes, it is. This is awesome. What makes it even better is that the whole focus of this car is on being economical. It's light, weighing in at 1,200 pounds. It's certainly much cheaper to build than your traditional automobile. Finally, it's efficient. Get this- the head engineer of this car plans to drive it all the way from San Francisco to New York on 10 gallons of gas. That should draw some attention.

What about durability? After all, it is made out of some highly complicated, highly engineered, highly high-tech plastic material. That would seem to raise some concerns, but the company creating this car plans to put it through all the same safety inspections that a normal car would have to pass. Seems like they really want to get this thing right.

So what else is out there in the world of 3D printing? Well, there are guns. Guns that actually work and shoot stuff. Bear in mind that while high-performance 3D printers are extremely expensive, you can purchase smaller ones for under $1,000. This means that anybody with a decent printer can crank out a functioning AR-15, simply by downloading the blueprint. It will be interesting to see where this all leads to.

In the meantime, why not 3D print yourself an Oscar? Or perhaps a backscratcher.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Creativity and Technology

In this, the inaugural post of my blog, I wish to discuss two very different things. Both of these topics have been on my mind quite a lot recently. What better content is there for a blog? So, without further ado, we dive in.

The first topic I would like to share some of my personal thoughts on is creativity

How does one come by this incredible skill? Do you simply wake up one day and realize you're the next Da Vinci? Do you have to study long and hard before even showing glimpses of creative work? Or is it something that any person in the world can come by during any given circumstance?

Here is what I think. Creativity is inextricably linked with passion. If you are passionate about something, you can do anything. Anything. A painter, one who is passionate about his craft, can envision a world coming to life on his blank canvas even before he has touched brush to oil. An architect with passion towards his work can see structures in a whole new light, and imagine incredible and alien methods with which to construct his masterpiece.

Concerning myself and painting, my stick figures barely live up to par. If I was tasked with constructing a building, it would look like a box. A single story box. Maybe with some windows for flair. Those just simply aren't things that I'm passionate about.

If you see something and think to yourself, "Wow, that is so creative!", I can guarantee you that the person who crafted it poured their heart into it. If you are passionate about something, you will always want more of it. You will want to see other people's work. You will want to be inspired by it.

You will want to create.


I love technology so much. Some would say I am too reliant upon it. I would reply by saying I simply appreciate it's application.

But seriously, technology guys. In a few weeks I might even be the owner of a brand spanking new Surface RT tablet. But I digress, as there is a specific type of tech that I want to talk about today. It has burst onto the scene of mainstream technology, and the hype is starting to build.

Wearable technology. Technology that you don't have to hold. It's just... there. The intent is that it would become integrated into your life, such that you won't have to stop to think about it. 

Check this out. Want to take a picture? Look at something! Need information about absolutely anything? Ask the stinking question!

Ok, I know that people might  have reservations. After all, who would want to wear glasses out and about in public. That's ludicrous! On a more serious note, this tech isn't concept. It's happening, and it excites me. In a nerdy Star Trek kind of way. Sure it's pricey, but I'm sure that's because of the production cost of installing a laser cannon into it. They come with that installed, right?

Check this out too! This reminds me of Iron Man, and the computers Tony Stark uses. He virtually manipulates and navigates through computer data using his hands. I want to wave my hand and watch my tv power on. The Force, anybody?

So I say again, wearable technology. It has become a reality, and it shows the huge strides that technology is making.

Maybe in a few years I can ask Scotty to beam me up.